Keywords: phylogenomics, supermatrix, missing data, phylogenetic terraces
Bioinformatic Tools: MAFFT, SEQ-GEN, IQ-TREE, RAxML, terraphast, iTOL, FigTree
Data: DNA/protein sequences, multiple-sequence alignments, presence-absence matrices, simulated and biological datasets
Tech/DEV: linux, MacOS, C++, python, R, bash, git, HPC/grid clusters, development and implementation of algorithms in IQ-TREE, custom pipelines, custom simulator
- O. Chernomor, C. Elgert and A. von Haeseler (2023) Gentrius: identifying equally scoring trees in phylogenomics with incomplete data. bioRxiv
- O. Chernomor, A. von Haeseler, and B.Q. Minh (2016) Terrace Aware Data Structure for Phylogenomic Inference from Supermatrices. Syst. Biol., 65, 997-1008.
- O. Chernomor, B.Q. Minh, and A. von Haeseler (2015) Consequences of Common Topological Rearrangements for Partition Trees in Phylogenomic Inference. J. Comput. Biol., 22, 1129-1142.